
Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Manga Review: A Witch's Printing Office, Volume 2, by Mochinchi and Yasuhiro Miyama

Rating (Out of 5): ~3

Publisher: Yen Press

Release Date: April 2020

Volumes: 4+

Spoilers?: Very light.

Buy it here: Amazon. Barnes and Noble. Book Depository. Powells. RightStuf.

Volume: 1. 3.


Goodreads Synopsis:


 Mika never imagined her "Magic Market" would be so successful! However, as the massively popular book-buying event continues to expand after each iteration, some things are bound to get out of hand!!




We meet a couple of new characters in this volume. A princess who wants to run away from home, only to discover she's a fujoshi and has this in common with her mother. Also an evil demon who wants to have a booth at Magiket. Along the way, Mika also finds a new paper cutter, and forms an agreement with a dragon for his shed skin to make books with.

I don't really understand what the timeline of these books are. There appears to be two Magikets each book, which I think most conventions are once a year, so that seems like time is very fast here. Maybe that's mirroring video game sense of time?

It doesn't appear that Mika is getting very much closer to getting back home, but it also doesn't seem like the plot is focusing too much on that part. At least up until that ending, which might bring up some new progress next time.

I'm not a high-fantasy reader, but I don't mind this series. It has some good, funny moments, and I think it's getting better.


A review copy was provided by the publisher, Yen Press, for an honest review. Thank you so, so much!

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