
Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Manga Review: All My Darling Daughters by Fumi Yoshinaga

Rating (Out of 5): ~3.5
Publisher: VIZ Signature (VIZ Media)
Release Date: 2010
Volumes: 1.
Spoilers?: No.

Goodreads Synopsis:

Yukiko, a salarywoman in her thirties, still lives with her mother Mari. But their relationship suffers a sudden change when Mari announces that she's getting married—to an ex-host and aspiring actor who's younger than Yukiko. Yukiko, convinced he'sout to fleece her mom, can't stand to stay in the house and decides to move in with her boyfriend.

Fumi Yoshinaga weaves together the lives of Yukiko, a thirty something salary woman, and her friends in five short stories, exploring the various relationships women have with all the skill and elegance she is known for.


I’ve been meaning to pick this up for a while, because I’ve heard a lot of good things. And now I’m glad I finally got it.
Each chapter features the same characters, but focuses on different ones, with different stories. It’s one-shot based. There’s the mother and daughter, the mother in a new relationship with a younger man, and the daughter finally deciding to move out and get serious with her boyfriend. Then there are their friends, some of whom have their own drama. Like a teacher friend of theirs, whom a student has started forcing herself on. That chapter had interesting maturity and themes, to me, and I liked how they were handled.
I did like the relationship between the mother and daughter, and the development between all of the characters. The humor was fun, as well, with all the teasing.
I quite enjoyed this volume, and am now more intrigued to pick up her other books.

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