
Friday, February 14, 2020

Manga Review: Queen's Quality, Volume 8, by Kyousuke Motomi

Rating (Out of 5): ~4
Publisher: Shojo Beat (VIZ Media)
Release Date: December 2019
Volumes: 10+
Spoilers?: No.
Volume: 1. 7. 9.

Goodreads Synopsis:

Will this Queen with mind-control powers incite good or evil?

Fumi Nishioka lives with Kyutaro Horikita and his family of “Sweepers,” people who specialize in cleaning the minds of those overcome by negative energy and harmful spirits. Fumi has always displayed mysterious abilities, but will those powers be used for evil when she begins to truly awaken as a Queen?


Kyu and Fumi have to face a rather harsh part of their history in this volume. Their childhoods intertwined at a very important part, which Kyu doesn't know most of the story behind, and Fumi doesn't remember at all.
It has a much deeper connection to Kyutaro's parents and the people around them than either expected, and it's intense. Tragic, even. It also gives more reason for the warning Kyutaro was given regarding Fumi, too.
I'm a bit anxious about where that cliffhanger is going. We could be given some miracle solution—and that would even make sense given the agreements that Fumi has made with the Queen's in the past—but we could also be faced with one of the options given. I'm really curious about where it'll go from here.
This series is intense and smart, and I truly love the way it handles these issues and portrays them.

A review copy was provided by the publisher, VIZ Media, for an honest review. Thank you so, so much!

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