
Thursday, November 28, 2019

Manga Review: Black Torch, Volume 5, by Tsuyoshi Takaki

Rating (Out of 5): ~4
Publisher: Shonen Jump (VIZ Media)
Release Date: August 2019
Volumes: 5.
Spoilers?: No.
Volume: 1. 4.

Goodreads Synopsis:

Ninja and animal lover Jiro Azuma’s life is changed forever when he finds himself in the middle of a war of ninjas vs. demons.

Jiro Azuma is descended from of a long line of shinobi, and he also can talk to animals. One day, he rescues a very unique black cat named Rago, a supernatural being, and is dragged into a secret supernatural war.

With Jiro’s ability to fully awaken and use Rago’s power, the final battle with Amagi is about to begin. Will Jiro and his friends be able to stop the rampaging Amagi in time? Don’t miss the thrilling conclusion!


They've figured out what Amagi is doing and what his plan is, and then the fight basically comes to them. Jiro and Rago take the reins here, and everyone else is backup to help them get to the main fight.
It feels like maybe this series was cut short, because there was a lot of potential with these other characters, who could be considered main characters and plot lines were started for, and yet we didn't quite get enough. I really wanted to know more about them, honestly, and for the relationship to reach something more real. But there wasn't enough time to go further with them, I don't think.
And I don't mean that this was rushed, either, or that the characters weren't fleshed out. It feels more like they were fleshed out and then weren't given anywhere to go.
This volumes wraps things up relatively well, though. The big fight happens, and the team is made up, for the most part, and clearly needed. I will say that when Rago and Jiro form together, they look a lot like Venom.
This was a fun, short shonen series. I think there was more potential here than was given the space for, because I really wanted to know more about the side characters, in particular. But sometimes it can be nice to have a short ending to a shonen series, which are known to never end.

A review copy was provided by the publisher, VIZ Media, for an honest review. Thank you so, so much!

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