
Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Manga Review: The Girl from the Other Side: Siuil, A Run, Volume 2, by Nagabe

Rating (Out of 5): ~4
Publisher: Seven Seas
Release Date: 2017
Volumes: 8+
Spoilers?: No.
Volume: 1. 3.

Goodreads Synopsis:


To be touched by an Outsider is to become an Outsider. A clawed, black hand reaches out to touch Shiva's cheek in her sleep. The hand does not belong to Teacher. Who is this strange new Outsider, and what do its creepy murmurings about "mother" portend?

Enter a fantasy realm shrouded in mystery, in a dark fairy tale-like setting for fans of The Ancient Magus' Bride.


Shiva getting touched and almost-attacked by a different Other freaks Teacher out, but Shiva's curiosity is what makes them explore this potential solution. It's unclear how this Otherness is spread, but it's very apparent that it happens somehow, and each side has their own theories.
Meeting these new Others adds a new foreboding feeling to the book. They're very odd creatures, who even Teacher doesn't quite understand, though he tries. He wants to find a cure for this, and he wants to keep Shiva safe.
Meanwhile, the humans from the Inside know that Shiva is out there and believe she's dangerous. Thus, they're planning an attack.
This series is so good and yet sometimes hard to read. There's more darkness to it than I expected, and it's frustrating and sad at times. I just want Shiva and Teacher to be okay and happy, and all these people are trying to ruin it.

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