
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Review: Flavor of the Week by Tucker Shaw

Rating (Out of 5): 3.5
Publisher: Hyperion
Spoilers: None! (Or, very, very minor?)

Goodreads Synopsis:

Cyril Bartholomew isn't exactly everyone's idea of a dream date he's a little on the heavy side. Not that he gets pushed around or anything, but it does cause him to keep one very important secret from everyone: he loves to cook. The only person who knows this secret is Cyril's best friend, Chris. Chris is just about the opposite of Cyril-a track star and really attractive in a cool, rebellious way. Cyril isn't at all jealous of Chris, though...until the day that Chris decides he is interested in Rose Mulligan, Cyril's lab partner. Flavor of the Week is a classic love triangle between three very unclassic teens, with lots of delicious food courses in between.


This is simply a sweet, cute, short story.
It's about Cyril, not the cutest boy around (supposedly), but one who has a heart of gold. He can cook, love cooking, but is embarrassed about it. He doesn't want anyone to know, including Rose, the girl that he's crushing on. And then his old best friend, Nick (I swear, it's Nick! Even if the synopsis says Chris), moves back to town, and decides to try to win Rose over, by making Cyril make food and pretend he did it.
Cyril is a sweet boy, who needs some serious ego-boosting, and who shouldn't have gone along with what Nick wanted. It's a bad idea, and it obviously isn't going to turn out too well. (Also, Rose has a thing for guys that can cook. All the cards were in place just for him.) Nick isn't a complete jerk, which is good, but he shouldn't have done it. They both should have been more honest. And Rose should have noticed things earlier, (should have noticed Cyril earlier,) but I don't really blame her for any of it.
Most of the book seemed a little mediocre, honestly. There could have been a bit more to the characters, as well as the writing. But it was overall a cute, sugary-sweet story with a happy ending, which is what I was expecting.
Also, there are recipes at the end of each chapter, and a lot of food is mentioned. If you're a food person, it's quite possible to make your mouth water, or tempt you, or whatever. I am not much of a food person, so it didn't really bother me, only intrigued me.

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