
Friday, February 5, 2016

Novel Review: White is for Magic (Blue is for Nightmares, #2) by Laurie Faria Stolarz

Rating (Out of 5): ~2
Genre: YA Paranormal Romance
Publisher: Llewellyn
Release Date: 2004
Spoilers?: No.

Goodreads Synopsis:

I'm watching you...

A year has passed since Stacey Brown saved her best friend from a horrible death. Now she's having nightmares again, haunted by ghosts of the brutally murdered . . . and by a crazed stalker.

As she desperately casts healing spells, a new student named Jacob enters her world. Beautiful and mysterious, he reveals that he is also having dreams. To stop a killer, they must join together.

But can Jacob be trusted? Or will this new love cause her darkest dreams to come true?

The Cover:

I still think the cover's pretty. It might be a little too white that it blends into each other, but I like that it's simple. That it's showing the witch idea, and that it kind of goes with the mystery. Could be more eye-catching, but otherwise I like it.


I had hopes that this book would be better than the first. It wasn’t.
The group of characters is still at the same school, a year later, and Stacey starts having nightmares again.
The drama between Stacey and Drea revolving around Chad is still there. Stacey and Chad are dating now, and they all act like everyone's good with it, when really Drea is still jealous and a bitch. It works out, though, because Stacey and Chad aren’t really working out anyway. And Stacey meets a new boy, Jacob, who’s better for her in the end.
I still hate all of the characters. Stacey’s group of friends are all terrible to each other, I don’t understand how they’re considered friends. Chad is a jerk. Jacob is okay, but he doesn’t really stand out for me either.
I just don’t care about this series at this point. The characters are terrible. The mystery isn’t exciting, and it isn’t given enough attention to be. I’m done.

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