Rating (Out of 5): ~3.5
Genre: Adult Contemporary Romance
Publisher: Harlequin Romance
Release Date: 2007
Spoilers?: No.
Buy it here: Amazon
. Barnes and Noble. Powells.
Goodreads Synopsis:
Reid Buchanan was always a fan favorite on the baseball diamond. But between the sheets?
spiteful article about the former pitcher and current playboy questions
his talent in the bedroom. And the newspaper's just the first bad news.
Reid's grandmother Gloria's broken hip means she needs constant
care--but Reid hired Nurses 1 and 2 for their bedside manner with him. So for Number 3 he chooses Lori Johnson, the first candidate who seems immune to his brand of charm.Lori's never wasted her time with amoebas like Reid Buchanan. So why are her well-fortified defenses starting to crumble under the force of his sexy smile--and the kindness he shows her at every turn? There's only one explanation for the feelings flaring between them--chemistry. Chemistry so hot, it's sizzling!
The Cover:
This is pretty typical adult contemporary romance. I don't mind it, find it a little cute and easy on the eyes, although I don't really think the models really resemble the characters. Could be better, could be worse.
- "'Do you know that here, in the States, you have to opt in to a donation program. That the assumption is you’re not interested in donating unless you say otherwise. But in Europe, it’s the opposite. The assumption is people want to donate. If you aren’t interested, you have to opt out. That makes a whole lot more sense to me.’” (Mass Market Paperback, pg. 276)
- "'Sure, we’re all going to die eventually, but most of us get to pretend that moment is a long way off. We get to live normal lives.’” (Pg. 363)
This was another
really fast book of Mallery’s that I had on my shelf, and I really enjoyed it.
Even more than the first book of hers’ I read.
I connected with
the characters a lot more. I liked all of their growth, the main two as well as
Gloria’s. I liked their relationships, and I really liked seeing Gloria get
nicer and closer with her family (although I probably would have liked it even
better, had I read the first books in this series). I liked how Reid and Lori
grew closer, I understood their hesitation, but I liked how open and honest
Reid was with Lori when they got together. The ending was quite sad, and not
what I expected (given the first book I read), which made it hit even more. I
liked where everyone was at, at the end, though.
I definitely plan to pick up the next book, because
I really want to know what happens next with Dani, Reid’s sister. I liked her a
lot, and we got to see the beginning of her story in this book, so I’m looking
forward to seeing what happens next. After that, I’ll probably get to the
previous books in this series, since I didn’t see much of his brothers but
would like to know them more.
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