
Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Manga Review: Sankarea: Undying Love, Volume 4, by Mitsuru Hattori

Rating (Out of 5): ~3.5-4
Publisher: Kodansha Comics
Release Date: December, 2013
Volumes: 10+
Spoilers?: Not really.
Volume: 1. 3. 5.

Goodreads Synopsis:


A strange foreign doctor warns Rea that her "turbid period" is approaching... and that it will bring with it an insatiable desire to eat Furuya's flesh! Realizing she may not have much time left to live as a sane, normal girl, Rea works as hard as she can to enjoy her first, and maybe last, summer festival with Chihiro. But is it already too late for them both?!


The word that jumps out at me when I try to describe this series is intriguing. I don’t feel like that gives enough detail, that it’s too vague, but it’s true. I just don’t even know what to expect from this series at this point, I’m not completely caught yet, but I’m really enjoying seeing where it’s going.
I’m finding it increasingly apparent that I like Rea, and that she might actually be my favorite character. I’m surprised by her. She’s shy, but she’s earnest, sincere, and she doesn’t want to hurt anyone. She doesn’t want to fight—she just wants to be normal. And she wants friends, and a life, and to experience things. I understand her. And I want to be there throughout her journey.
Which is why her transformation is so surprising, and intense. She doesn’t want this, but she also legitimately wants to eat Chihiro, and thinks he looks delicious. And the poor guy just isn’t helping.
I really feel for her, too. And I really love the turn this is taking. It just wasn’t what I was expecting—and I still don’t know where it’s going. And now there are hints about Chihiro’s mother, and that has me really interested.
Aside from all of that, I still enjoy Chihiro’s little sister, Mero. I’m still not really liking their cousin. She just doesn’t seem important, and I don’t care for her flirting with Chihiro. Also, I’m starting to get annoyed with Chihiro, or at least with his hair. I’m not sure why, but his personality, and his cat-eared hair is just bothering me. Hopefully that’ll wear off soon.
I’m really enjoying the development of the zombie stuff, and Rea’s character. I’m really looking forward to seeing where it goes in the next volume.

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